th Century, thinking about the meaning of quantum theory was strongly discouraged - physicists were supposed to work on practical applications (like bombs). But eventually people started to question this stance and delve into what quantum theory meant and how it was linked to other aspects of life. In How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival David Kaiser tells the story.

Bell's theorem is thought of as a vital part of physics today, but it was pretty much ignored for several years after is was published. A number of physicists, calling themselves the Fundamental Fysiks Group, began to discuss this, and othernon-mainstream issues Some of them were very far from the mainstream, such as faster than light communication and extra-sensory perception. Members of the group sometimes found it hard to get employment, but there was often sponsorship from rich patrons, and quite a bit of military funding.

I tend to prefer books which follow chronological order, but this one certainly doesn't. That wasn't too bad to begin with as there was plenty of interesting material, but towards the end I began to find the lack of structure irritating and I think someone who didn't already know something of the history of quantum theory might find it a problem. For instance there is no mention of Hugh Everett and Many-Worlds. I do think that the book was helpful though, in giving a background of many of the authors of todays popular books on quantum theory."; include "amazinf.php"; ?>